Meet Graham Wilson

Because Leadership Matters.

Hi I'm Graham Wilson and a BIG thank you for taking the time to explore my site and discovering what I do. 

I believe the way to lead organisations has changed. The pace of change is now so fast it's difficult to keep up and learn fast enough. As a leader, I'm sure you'll agree it's a tough world out there. 

The accelerating pace of change has led to the disruptive, volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world that everyone is talking about and we're all experiencing. Many organisations and leaders are struggling to reach their full potential in this context. Many leaders are feeling overwhelmed, tired and stressed.

The problem is they haven't realised the rules of how you lead an organisation have changed - at every level! What used to work doesn't seem to cut it any more! Sadly, many leaders are using outdated mindsets and tools.

I see many organisations being overmanaged and underled. Too much control, too slow, too rigid, too much reporting, too many (and the wrong) KPIs and running horrendous meetings that add no value. 

Together we need to change that. The good news is that I've decoded what great leaders are doing to be successful, there is a better way! I understand we are all different so I would love to explore with you your specific challenges and work out a plan to support your leadership journey.

By changing the way leaders think and take action I've often been called a Leadership Wizard!  In today's busy world it's important to simplify complexity and learn pragmatic tools, frameworks and ideas that work in today's context and achieve amazing results.

I've also been named by my clients as the UK #1 Leadership Expert. The accolades make me feel really humble and proud at the same time! I'm driven by making a difference so when I help leaders get their lives back on track and achieve success I'm really happy. I founded the award winning Successfactory over 25 years ago to work with leading organisations to help them work out how to lead effectively in an ever changing, challenging and complex world.

I learnt so much from many great leaders and organisations over those 25 years!

I'm passionate about getting my teaching out there to support as many people as possible. To achieve this aspiration I've authored a number of pragmatic leadership books, videos and articlesAnd the list continues to grow!

I really believe there is a better way to lead in today's world - The NEW Leadership Manifesto describes this. I've decoded great leadership into 10 core leadership disciplines that we need to focus on.

To support change, my leadership insights and ideas are regularly read and commented on by over 18,000 people on LinkedIn. I'm also very fortunate to be trusted by many of the best known global organisations to develop their leaders. I've developed over 70,000 leaders and I'm in constant demand to teach and develop leadership capability in the areas of leadership skills, strategy, innovation, change and teams.

I'm a family man at heart and love living with my gorgeous partner Nicola. We're fortunate to live in the beautiful countryside of Cheshire in the North West of the UK.

Our children have grown up and almost all flown the nest, and we enjoy supporting them and seeing them travel their exciting journeys. We created our businesses around our passions and what we love doing. Making a difference, travel, adventure and learning all formed part of our solution. Nicola is a business coach and mentor working with Mums in business and we both play an active part in each others' businesses.

Many a strategy session has happened whilst walking our dog, horse riding, running, cooking or around the dining table! We love supporting each other and working together to achieve our vision.

I love keeping fit and healthy.  My work is demanding so it's really important to ensure I have the vitality and energy to deliver effectively. Getting into the mountains and exploring beaches with the sun on my skin and sand in my toes is important. 

I love running trails, paddleboarding, sailing, skiing and creating experiences with loved ones. We love getting into the countryside where we live and walking our dog. It's a great time to reflect, be in the moment and enjoy life.

Racing is in my blood

My Dad used to race motor bikes and my Uncle used to race cars, so it's only natural that I follow in their footsteps. 

I race two historic cars, a 1972 race TR6 and a hand built 1970 Historic Formula 750 Time 3b.

Racing, building, maintaining and occasionally rebuilding the cars is a great passion that keeps me fit and healthy. 


In my corporate speaking video you'll see that I'm on a quest to change the way organisations are led and I also share what is important to me from a business point of view. I love teaching leaders, entrepreneurs and their managers how to use the latest leadership approaches, pragmatic tools and simple techniques.

I work with leaders in many different ways - one to one, bespoke training workshops, retreats and my elite mastermind groups. Working with me enables you to access my very latest leadership thinking - my life's work if you like. Well my life's work up to now.... there's plenty more learning for me.

I specialise in teaching leadership skills, how to create winning strategies, how to build high performance cultures, business modelling, people development, sales transformation, how to develop elite teams, how to unleash innovation and I get a real buzz out of supporting leaders to be the very best they can be. Outcomes and results are the most important measures for me!

As well as working with leading global brands and being trusted by them to develop their leaders, I'm on a mission to work with forward thinking business leaders who want to deliver significant growth in their business.  The journey is always challenging but I'll ensure it's well worth it. I would love to work with you to enhance your business and leadership skills ... and improve your life!

Over the years I've had the honour of being described by clients as an 'INSPIRATIONAL PROVIDER OF PRACTICAL INSIGHTS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE – IMMEDIATELY!'

I've even been called a 'LEADERSHIP WIZARD' and 'TOP STORYTELLER'

If what you've read resonates with and you are serious about growing your business then get in touch for a complimentary consultation to explore your business growth challenges and personal aspirations.

Have a look at my bio, profile and my corporate speaker reel which gives a feel of who I am and what inspires me

Download My Bio

Download Business Profile For Press Release

Speaker Reel

Visit Successfactory

You can have a look at my corporate leadership training business here >>


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